Option number one for yesterday evening: meet up with my friend Jill who works in films usually producing and is finishing her first short as director. She phoned me up at lunchtime though to say she couldn’t make it. Why? The EDL for her film had problems and needed sorting out. The EDL needed sorting. Hahahahaha. Honestly, if my smile had been any bigger my jaw would have fallen off! I am SO glad it’s not just me!
“Yes, I totally understand,” I said. Understatement of the week.
So option number two became available: go to jive at the Old Town Hall in St Albans and meet Shauna and lots of other interesting women and dance for the evening. Did I do this? No. At 6.30pm I went to bed and fell asleep. How useless was that? Actually it was a good sleep so I’m thinking of it as quality time with myself and I got up early this morning (4am) which is okay. Although somehow I still feel sleepy…
If you’re following my film making saga, by the way, you’re probably wondering whether there’s any more news. Well, the latest is that the sound guy did call me back and it looks like the final audio mix for Fate & Fortune will go ahead on Sunday as planned. Still need to speak to the editor to get a new EDL (edit decision list – generated on computer) for both films for the neg cutters. Still need to find �10k. I’m trying not to think about that.
Today, I’ll call the graphics people and talk about getting 16mm titles for Last Train so it can at least be finished to a stage where transferring to video is possible without spending the whole �2,000-ish lab costs. Plus I can see how the Fate & Fortune titles are doing. Fate & Fortune should really be my priority because I wrote, produced and directed it, so it’s mine all mine. Plus it’s all shot on 35mm and has a fantastic cast and it looks first class. And lab costs are cheaper (because there’s no blow up).
I wonder if anyone will understand what the four slightly surreal stories in those 15 minutes are all about though?