Last Train
Neg cut is now complete and negative is ready to go on to the labs for printing early next week. I’m not thinking about organising exhibition venues just yet, however, considering the number of problems already encountered and the thought that there are still a whole load of things that could go wrong. Still, this is good. This is very very good.
Fate & Fortune
Sent off the revised edits to the editor but still no call yet. Dug out my three page list of audio dubbing requirements and phoned the sound mixer but got the answerphone. No, the sound wasn’t done last weekend (qu’elle surprise) but the rerecording mixer sounded as though she does want to get it done as soon as possible. I blame Columbia Tri-Star for all of this. Why can’t they use someone else’s facilities?
As for music, I daren’t phone the composer to sort out re-doing the trumpet parts that I thought were a bit weak just in case the sound studio does actually become available and we can suddenly go in and complete the thing. If that happened, it would mean I’d have to use audio effects over the music track in those places, which would be fine, I think, for the sake of getting it done.
Loan company has approved my mortgage request and final papers for remortgage came through for me to sign and these were posted back this morning.